Bio-dynamics is an advanced organic method in which no artificial fertilizers or chemical sprays are used. Bio-dynamic gardeners and farmers use a range of methods including biological activator preparations to powerfully enliven soils and plants. The plant is seen in its overall context not just isolated in a piece of soil – the influences on the plant of the soil, the water in the soil and atmosphere, light and warmth, and the cosmos (sun, moon, planets and stars) are all considered. These factors are consciously balanced, allowing the plant to grow to its full potential in health and vitality, resulting in the most beautiful, tasty, health building food.
The soil is the most important basis of agriculture. Soils are gradually developed into a humus-rich, friable, well structured, well-drained state. Rudolf Steiner, in 1924, described a method of making a series of biological activator preparations that would powerfully influence soil development in all these aspects, and
allow plants to grow with optimum health, feeding naturally from the soil humus, not artificially from the soil water as described below.